NMDOT-Approved Correspondence Course
Our NMDOT Approved Correspondence Course allows students to take Drivers Education from home at their own pace. Students could earn their Permit and Provisional License through this course. Once the student is approved for our course we mail out all the course material to your physical address. Students will receive a textbook, workbook and answer sheet. To be approved for this course students must qualify. If students meet any of the following qualifiers then they can apply for our course:
1. Home-school: If the student is enrolled full-time in a home-schooled program they qualify for our course.
2. Rural Area: If there is no driver education program within 25 miles of the student's residence they qualify for this course.
3. Extracurricular Activities: If the student is involved in extracurricular activities such as school-sponsored sports, band, choir, orchestra, volunteer activities, scouting, or FFA, church groups, or any other school-sponsored activities that conflict with attending an in-person drivers ed class, then they qualify for our course.
4. Employment: If the student is working at a job that has conflicting hours with an available drivers ed program they qualify for our course.
5. Extenuating Circumstances: If the student has a medical issue that prevents them from attending an in-person class, if the parent's work schedule prevents them from providing transportation to an in-person class, then they qualify for our course.
If the student meets one of our qualifiers, you can download our application by clicking the PDF Document below. Be sure to follow the directions. Once you have filled out all the information and have collected the proper documentation you must mail the documents to the address below:
UNM Traffic Safety Center
MSC07 4030
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
or email the application and appropriate documents to RoadRunnerDriverseducation@gmail.com to be mailed for you. UNM is currently undergoing changes to the application process. They will soon change to an online application process but for the time being you can mail the application or email the application to our email address to be mailed for you. The application usually takes 1-5 business days to be approved. UNM TSC will send an email confirming the approval to begin the course.
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